Outcome 4 Reflection
Models critical and creative thinking skills in all areas of his or her professional life.
During REED 528 Content Area Reading, I created a content area resource anthology in which we had to compile reading resources that would be applicable to our content area and meet the Pennsylvania standards. I choose to concentrate the Content Area Resource Anthology on Hispanic Culture.
I chose this topic because as a Latino American I have come to learn my heritage and I have fallen deeply in love with my roots and what it means to be a Latino American. The Spanish language contains many variations and meanings. One word may be used to mean something in one country and have a totally different meaning in another Spanish speaking country. Teaching Hispanic Culture can help the students understand the diversity in the language as well as in the customs. My students and I will be able to explore the difference in dance expression, holiday and artistic expressions between cultures. This topic will allow me to gather strategies and resources that will allow me to use lessons that will use interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational methods of teaching by implementing the 5 c’s standards developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Those standards are communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. The main goal will of the topic will be to help my students learn more about the school community and themselves. Students will also develop a deep understanding of the different cultural backgrounds and practices within the Hispanic Culture.